Professional Papers by David Feinstein, Ph.D.

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More than 300 papers published in peer-reviewed journals address energy psychology. This rapidly growing literature shows the approach to be effective, durable, and unusually rapid. This paper reviews the evidence and also presents a scientifically-informed explanation of how it works. Read More>>  

After a blistering critique of the above “Hierarchy of Evidence” paper by three prominent clinical psychologists, David wrote this defense of the paper and of the field. It has been widely circulated and praised within the energy psychology community and beyond. Read More >>

Energy psychology, as most widely practiced, integrates the manual stimulation of acupuncture points with imaginal exposure, cognitive restructuring, and other evidence based psychotherapeutic procedures… Read More >>

One of the questions people learning energy psychology ask the most frequently is “How do you know what words to use during the tapping?” This is where the art of delivery really shows up. This paper systematically considers the question… Read More >>

Whether subtle or dramatic, childhood trauma is proving to be a precursor to many adult ailments, physical and psychological. Energy psychology is showing itself to be an effective tool for uncovering and helping heal the residue of childhood trauma. Read More>>  

Addictions are widespread and difficult to treat. Integrating energy psychology into established approaches makes them quicker, more effective, and empowering. Read More>>

Many illness are rooted in a mix of physical and emotional causes. Energy psychology can help uncover the psychological dynamics and resolve them in ways that promote physical healing. Read More>>

Mapping the relationship between gene expression and psychopathology is proving to be among the most promising new frontiers for advancing the understanding, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders… Read More >>

An obstacle to professional acceptance of the growing body of research supporting the efficacy of energy psychology is the vague use of the term energy in the field’s name and explanatory frameworks… Read More >>

“Tapping on acupoints to produce psychological change had been quaint enough. These reports seemed to stretch all credibility. Oddly, however, surrogate tapping seemed to produce the desired outcomes more often than one might expect!”… Read More >>

While energy medicine is still a microdot on the health care landscape in terms of use, public recognition, and the economic resources allocated to its development… Read More >>

When death approaches, the health care professional is—ready or not—often the default manager of complex psychological, interpersonal, and spiritual challenges… Read More >>

The concept that personal myths shape individual behavior in a manner analogous to the way cultural myths influence social behavior has been gaining increasing attention over the past two decades… Read More >>

This essay is concerned with the myths that are leading us into an uncertain future, how they can be understood, how they can be worked with, and how they can be transformed… Read More >>