Energy Psychology

Powerful Tools for Rapid Change

What is Energy Psychology?

Energy Psychology has been called "acupressure for the emotions." By tapping energy points on the surface of the skin while focusing the mind on specific psychological problems or goals, the brain's neural pathways can be shifted to quickly help you:

Overcome Fear, Guilt, Shame, Jealousy, Anger, Anxiety, Depression

Change Unwanted Habits and Behaviors

Enhance your Ability to Love, Succeed, and Enjoy Life

“Destined to become one of the most consequential books of our era, TAPPING is a stunning call to action at a time of desperate personal and collective need.”
Jean Houston, Ph.D.
Cultural Historian

Frequently Asked Questions about Energy Psychology

Energy psychology provides simple methods for shifting brain patterns that lead to unwanted thoughts, feelings, and actions. Drawing from both ancient healing traditions and contemporary psychological science, it has been called “psychological acupuncture without the needles.” The approach combines established psychological methods with tapping on acupuncture points that send signals to the brain which change dysfunctional responses. While still controversial, recent research has been establishing it as one of the most promising clinical innovations on the horizon. Variations include EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), TFT (Thought Field Therapy), AIT (Advanced Integrative Therapy), and TAT (Tapas Acupressure Technique), among numerous other formats.

Energy psychology is increasingly being incorporated into the practices of many licensed mental health professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and professional mental health counselors. Life coaches, who focus on well-being and peak performance rather than treating mental disorders, are also utilizing energy psychology. In addition, for those not in therapy, or as an adjunct for those who are, energy psychology provides potent self-help tools for emotional self-management and optimizing personal performance.

Tapping on acupuncture points (along with related techniques) while an anxiety-evoking memory or thought is brought to mind sends signals to the brain that turn off the anxious response in the moment and rapidly alter the brain chemistry that maintained that response.

Energy psychology works by stimulating energy points on the surface of the skin which, when paired with various psychological procedures, sends signals to the brain that (a) impact stress chemicals such as cortisol and DHEA, (b) deactivate limbic system arousal, and (c) rapidly alter neural pathways in desired directions.

Variations of this strategy also appear to shift, for the person’s benefit, the brain’s coding of irrational anger, jealousy, guilt, shame, unremitting grief, compulsive behaviors, phobias, PTSD, depression, addictions, and chronic pain.  International disaster relief teams have been applying it in the aftermath of warfare, genocide, tsunamis, and earthquakes.  Beyond trauma and serious mental health condition, the method has been shown to promote peak performance, alter self-defeating behavioral patterns, and help in attaining personal goals.

Acceptance of energy psychology by the mental health field started slow. After all: 

The techniques look strange; 

It is not obvious how tapping on the skin can impact psychological problems and goals; Explanations tied to ancient healing traditions did not satisfy Western scientists; and  Early claims of unusual speed and effectiveness were not backed by research. 

By the time of this writing, however (April 2024), over 175 clinical trials investigating the effectiveness of acupoint tapping psychotherapies have appeared in peer-reviewed professional journals. More than 98% of them found statistically significant improvement in at least one targeted outcome. The research also verifies unusual speed and demonstrates that the benefits last. Explanations of how energy psychology works that are rooted in neurological science have been formulated and presented in a variety of peer-reviewed journals.

See an Actual Treatment Session for Height Phobia

In this dramatic sequence, you will see a woman with an intense fear of heights walk toward the edge of a 4th story balcony and be unable to come to the railing, with obvious signs of distress. After a 30-minute energy psychology treatment, with excerpts shown, she confidently walks to the edge and triumphantly leans over. The video illustrates “psychological revearsals” and “aspects” as well as a basic energy psychology protocol (a slight variation on EFT). The video also shows follow-up on a 17th-floor balcony 4 days after the treatment and then an interview 2-1/2 years later.

Watch this Moving Video of Four War Veterans Receiving Energy Psychology Treatments

In March 2008, eleven military veterans or family members, all with PTSD, participated in a pilot program where each received 10 to 15 hours of Energy Psychology treatments, over 5 days.

From the filmmaker:  

“Without question every partner, parent, child, or friend of our subjects was amazed and overjoyed to see the changes first brought home and then refined and kept alive as months went by.”

Click here to watch the video

Success Stories

Healing a Broken Heart 

(From the book TAPPING by David Feinstein and Donna Eden): Margaret was a 48-year-old waitress who had been living alone since her divorce three years earlier. Her two adult daughters

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From Athletes into Champions

(From the book TAPPING by David Feinstein and Donna Eden): Greg Warburton is one of the first sports performance trainers to have systematically used acupoint tapping to help individual athletes

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Dealing with a Tragic Sudden Death

(From the book TAPPING by David Feinstein and Donna Eden): Pittsburgh’s Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Team is composed of local professionals who volunteer their expertise following catastrophic events. Jim

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About David Feinstein, Ph.D.

CP-David blue
David Feinstein, Ph. D.

Dr. Feinstein is a clinical psychologist who is an internationally recognized leader in the rapidly emerging field of energy psychology. His scientific papers and award-winning books have provided a foundation for understanding how it is possible to use energy psychology for quickly and non-invasively altering brain chemistry for therapeutic gain. 

David has served on the faculties of The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Antioch College. He is a recipient of the U.S.A. Book News Best Psychology/Mental Health Book Award of 2007, the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award, and a dozen other awards for his professional accomplishments.  

He has, with his wife, energy medicine pioneer Donna Eden, built one of the world’s largest and most vibrant organizations teaching the hands-on use of Energy Medicine. Their 1,800 certified practitioners are serving tens of thousands of clients and teaching hundreds of classes in the U.S., Canada, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. They were jointly honored by the Infinity Foundation as the first couple to receive its annual “Spirit Award” for their contribution to “the evolution of consciousness” and its “impact on society.” 

View a sampling of David’s professional papers. 

Excerpt from the American Psychological Association’s Book Review Journal

“Energy psychology is a new discipline that has been receiving attention due to its speed and effectiveness with difficult cases. . . .”
Ilene Serlin, Ph.D.
Former President San Franciso Psychological Association