The DVD Seminar:

"... gently and powerfully introduces you to what may be the next revolution in psychology."

Introduction to Energy Psychology is a lively 4-hour (2 DVD) seminar that introduces you to the basic principles and procedures for applying energy psychology with your own life issues and goals.

The DVD Seminar Includes:

  • Live demonstrations of Energy Psychology sessions.
  • Instruction in the basic principles of Energy Psychology
  • illustrated by a detailed PowerPoint presentation.
  • Instruction in basic Energy Psychology methods that you can immediately apply to issues in your life.
  • An overview of possible neurological mechanisms.
  • A review of research on the efficacy of Energy Psychology.
  • Special Feature:  A captivating question and answer session.
  • Special Feature:   On the use of humor.

"This program is a well-edited, engrossing, high-quality presentation. This DVD program contains essential information for every practitioner of Energy Psychology. Finally, there is an easy-to-use training resource that introduces clinicians and lay people alike to the considerable benefits of energy psychology. . . ."

Frequently Bought Together...

The DVD Seminar:

The Promise of Energy Psychology Book:

Basic Skills Package (Both Items):